Career switch: to do or not to do?

Finally, you found a real job. Your career was about to start. An interesting job with a decent salary. Job security, finally - what a relief. You did like those short term jobs. But they weren't serious. Gardening, you wondered, how can you make a living with gardening?

The first weeks were interesting. However, there was something off. Yes, you're enthusiastic. But not to sell products. Or yourself. The job seemed interesting. Yet you don't feel it's that interesting anymore. Also, your colleagues seem to care too much for things you don't. And the other way around.

Doubts. When it starts, it doesn't stop. Definitely, this is not where you want to end your career. No way. But everyone was happy with your choice. Good company. High rewards. And how long till you find another job like this? Going back to gardening - no way, that's a defeat. But the longer you stay, the more you know you're not made to stay.

Should I stay or should I go?
Do what you love - also in your career (c)
Many Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP) end up in such situations. Not wanting to disappoint others. Wanting to live up to the expectations. Thinking it's just a phase, a part of the process. Sick more often? They take the blame. No energy? Some extra pills. Exhausted? A good weekend does the trick.

Apart from realising HSPs are HSPs, they also need a work environment specifically for them. So the first step is to ask how you can make your job easier and/or better. A plant on your desk. A chat with your boss. A place close to the window. But also a job content suited to you. A bit more advising. A bit less selling. A bit more analysing. A bit less decisions to make. And a bit more working from home.

If that doesn't work enough, remember HSPs need to have a meaningful job. So search for one until you find what really suits you. After working hours, you shouldn't feel completely exhausted. And if gardening gives you energy, why not do it full time? Gardening can also be a career. And if you're not right on spot the first time, give it another try. Few persons directly find the career path they like. HSPs are no exception to that.

Questions to think about:

  • Do I really like my current job?
  • How can I make subtle changes to improve my work environment?
  • Which jobs did I really enjoy?
  • How can I use my special skills 
