Living as a highly sensitive man

In many cultures, men are supposed to be bold, decisive and not be 'hindered' by their emotions. This would be the definition of being strong, according to many persons' convictions. Which is exactly the opposite of what highly sensitive men need.

Highly Sensitive Men - often mistaken (c)
Another consequence of cultural clichés is that women are allowed to show their negative emotions. Women, as it is believed, are more emotional, so they're allowed to be overwhelmed. But it's not acceptable for men to do the same. Even though there are as many HSP men as HSP women.

Nowadays, women are also more allowed to be 'strong.' Meaning dominant, leading and competitive. However, it doesn't go the other way for men, who are discouraged to be 'weak'. Which leads to receiving comments like 'toughen up', 'don't be a pussy', or 'be a man.' On top of all the misconceptions that already exist about highly sensitive persons.

Highly sensitive men are also often mistaken for homosexuals, due to the need of others to explain their emotional side. And that emotional side, it is believed, should be cured. Which doesn't exist.

Cultures don't easily change. Changing a culture cannot be done by an individual. But individuals can change themselves. So it is very important that HSP men accept themselves and the unique features that go with being highly sensitive. There is no 'cure' for sensitivity. If one sees it as a gift, it's the first way to accept oneself.

Instead of focusing on being strong in the way society might see you, HSP men should focus on becoming emotionally strong. Expressing their emotions at the right time, in the right way. Not hiding them. And using the talents they are given.
